Harrington & Reed CEO, Chris Jenkins Says:

Harrington & Reed CEO, Chris Jenkins Says:
"Even in This Tough Economy, We're Seeing a Strong Demand for Sharp Candidates, Because of the New Job Search 'Digital Dossier' and the Career Positioning We Provide! We have helped hundreds of Executives Get Hired into Key Positions." (Click on his photo to learn more about H&R and to read additional inspiring success stories.

Vince Calabrese Uses H&R NETVYOU Virtual Interview to Bypass Human Resources and Interview Directly with Company President!

Received from Mr. Calabrese on Dec. 8, 2008:

"While speaking to Mr. Knopf the President, he said he was so impressed with my H&R Intro Video he said to himself...'I want to meet this guy!'

I had applied online, but then sent the link to my H&R Intro Video and my Upshot to follow-up, and it worked very well. It did exactly what it was meant to do, and that's MAKE THE PHONE RING!

He said he usually has his subordinates do the interviews, but because of my Intro Video and the Upshot, he interviewed me HIMSELF!!"