Harrington & Reed CEO, Chris Jenkins Says:

Harrington & Reed CEO, Chris Jenkins Says:
"Even in This Tough Economy, We're Seeing a Strong Demand for Sharp Candidates, Because of the New Job Search 'Digital Dossier' and the Career Positioning We Provide! We have helped hundreds of Executives Get Hired into Key Positions." (Click on his photo to learn more about H&R and to read additional inspiring success stories.

David Conrad Got Beat Out by H&R Candidate and then Comes On Board Himself and Lands a Great Job!

Received from Mr. Conrad on Mar. 23, 2007:

"I knew what Ellen was telling me was true, because I was up for that same position at ABPA but Carey beat me out. I couldn't get seen by the COO Dan Maier like Carey did with the intro video, so I ended up interviewing with an H.R. person. I also didn't get a glowing endorsement from Chris Jenkins, who knew Carey and his abilities. I also didn't have the follow-up punch of anything like the PowerPoint show you guys prepared for him to show in the final interview.

Besides, the recruiter who submitted me would have charged ABPA a $30,000 fee to hire me, while Carey cost them practically nothing! Now I understand why Carey has the job and why I was at such a disadvantage. I want H&R on my side!"

Note: Four months later David Conrad was hired by Bally Technologies using exactly the same proven H&R tools and approach that has worked for Mr. Carey and hundreds of others.