Harrington & Reed CEO, Chris Jenkins Says:

Harrington & Reed CEO, Chris Jenkins Says:
"Even in This Tough Economy, We're Seeing a Strong Demand for Sharp Candidates, Because of the New Job Search 'Digital Dossier' and the Career Positioning We Provide! We have helped hundreds of Executives Get Hired into Key Positions." (Click on his photo to learn more about H&R and to read additional inspiring success stories.

Tom Stewart Negotiates More than Double His Inital Offer!

Received from Mr. Stewart on Oct. 29, 2007:

"Thanks to H&R for everything!

Surprise! surprise! another H&R success story. Sitting in my boxers, surfing the internet, and sending my same tired resume to every major securities firm wasn't working. My voice mail was full of messages from low brow insurance companies and minor financial firms...thanks to Monster.com ...Then I met H&R and everything changed.

Ten days ago I accepted a job with a major financial firm based locally. Look at the difference between what I was offered and what I accepted after lengthy negotiation:

Their Initial Offer: $65K total compensation, insurance for myself only, 1 week vacation.

Negotiated (thanks H&R!) and Accepted: $150K total compensation, insurance benefits for entire family, 3 weeks vacation.

Big thanks to Loribeth for the great classes on negotiation and interviewing. Amazing how well her advice works!