Harrington & Reed CEO, Chris Jenkins Says:

Harrington & Reed CEO, Chris Jenkins Says:
"Even in This Tough Economy, We're Seeing a Strong Demand for Sharp Candidates, Because of the New Job Search 'Digital Dossier' and the Career Positioning We Provide! We have helped hundreds of Executives Get Hired into Key Positions." (Click on his photo to learn more about H&R and to read additional inspiring success stories.

Gerard de Marigny Gains New Confidence and Visibility...and Several Six-Figure Offers!

Received from Mr. de Marigny on July 15, 2008:

"H&R has certainly helped me a great deal, but I'm not sure you realize the value of the 'indirect' benefits of your services and your efforts. Directly, of course, you help top candidates land key positions, but more importantly, you opened my eyes to a new way of representing myself. The effect on me has been both dynamic and profound, dynamic in that I can continue to use it for the rest of my life, and profound because it has affected my entire life.

No longer do I wonder "IF" I will find a well-paying job. I came away from H&R with refined and superior netotiating skills. The proof of the pudding is in the eating: Since contracting with H&R in January 2008, I have been offered 3 six-figure positions, one I even passed on! How's that for confidence!!

It only took 74 days after signing on with H&R to receive my first $100K offer (the one I passed on), and I accepted an even better $100K+ job after about 90 days.

Due to my continuing online visibility with the Intro Video, after 90 more days I've been offered a position with another firm with even more upside. Chris, you were right - the jobs are looking for me!

Chris, reading your straight-forward and inspirational emails is like Skin Bracer every morning...keep 'em coming!"