Harrington & Reed CEO, Chris Jenkins Says:

Harrington & Reed CEO, Chris Jenkins Says:
"Even in This Tough Economy, We're Seeing a Strong Demand for Sharp Candidates, Because of the New Job Search 'Digital Dossier' and the Career Positioning We Provide! We have helped hundreds of Executives Get Hired into Key Positions." (Click on his photo to learn more about H&R and to read additional inspiring success stories.

COO Contacts Judith Sikora and Hires Her After Finding and Viewing Her H&R NETVYOU Virtual Interview Online!

Received from Ms. Sikora on Feb. 27, 2009: (This result is especially noteworthy because Ms. Sikora did not APPLY for the job. The COO found her online and was so impressed he CONTACTED HER and CREATED a position for her.)

I just received an offer! I will be the VP of Global Business Development for a successful contract manufacturing lab located in N. California.

It's amazing but it's true! Even in this economic climate, I landed a "hidden" job that was created for especially for me! While the company knew that they wanted to expand, they had not acted on that desire. But, when the company's COO found me on Linked In because of an article I had written on one of the group sites....he realized that I could be the person to spearhead the expansion he wanted. He emailed me, complimenting me on my attitude and spirit, in spite of being downsized.

Next, he viewed my "Visual Portfolio" and watched my NETVYOU Virtual Interview Video!!! He even watched a PowerPoint presentation that I posted on Linked In... He commented positively on each of them, and even had the CEO/Founder watch my NETVYOU video prior to getting approval to fly me up there.

When I arrived, I presented a PowerPoint "proposal" to the COO and CEO, quantifying exactly what I could do for them to grow their business. In line with H&R's mantra....I titled it: "Judith Sikora, a Person of Value". (They said it knocked their socks off!!)

Chris, if I had not signed up with H&R, I would not have had all of those extra deliverables (NETVYOU Intro Video, Visual Portflolio, UPshot, Executive Briefing, etc.) and strategies (PowerPoint, Interview Skills, effective use of LinkedIn, etc., etc.) available to distinguish myself from the sea of others, during this tough economic climate. I am sure of that! A big thank you to you and the excellent H&R staff for all of your support. I truly appreciate it!

Judith Sikora

Received from Manpower Professional's Director of Recruiting Teresa Hiatt, after speaking at a weekly H&R Candidate Meeting:

"I was so impressed with the caliber of your candidate group at yesterday's meeting. They are certainly not a cross-section of job seekers. It's obvious you work only with the best candidates."